Wednesday 15 August 2012

The Second Coming

A little while back I was chatting to a Christian friend of mine and explaining that I feel the second coming of the Christ will not be one figure arriving to fanfare, clouds etc. but many people on Earth together raising their consciousness to become a communal "Christ" on Earth.
And this global Christ consciousness will take us to heavenly state on Earth, Jesus himself said "The Kingdom of heaven is inside you" or the "Kingdom of heaven is among you" in Luke 17:21 This to me is the Second Coming, right here on Earth.

So it was interesting to discover this quote this evening where Thich Nhat Hanh is saying the same thing about the next Buddha:

The next Buddha will not take the form of an individual. The next Buddha 
will take the form of a community; a community practicing understanding 
and loving kindness, a community practicing mindful living. This may be 
the most important thing we can do for the survival of the Earth. 
—Thich Nhat Hanh

Its for us to pursue a change on the Earth from a state of complete fear (hell, the lowest negative vibration/freguency) to a state of complete love (heaven, the highest most positive vibration/frequency). Everything is vibration, we don't have to go anywhere to experience a higher vibration, we just have to raise it.

I wrote this previous blog post about the future and survival of the Earth

Visions of Joy and of the Future of Our Planet

Journey and Visions by Rowan van Tonder

This piece was written after visions and prophetic revelations that were shown to me in a near death type experience in which I journeyed to the spiritual dimension. This was only a part of what I was shown, much of the visions were for me personally for my life but I am sharing the part here that I think everyone should know.

28 January 2011

I had an amazing and very deep experience with many visions which I was honoured to be shown and would love to share with everyone.
As is my usual experience on such a journey I found myself submersed/immersed in a deep gOd space something like in a microcosmic/macrocosmic space. Although this time I had very little resistance have glanced upon a message that beckoned me to completely surrender to my journey the day before.
In this deep gOd-space I felt a feeling of overwhelming love and affection and in this loving safe space I asked many questions and was shown many, many answers and visions on the future of the earth, our role here, my role here, etc. by the sacred voice. I heard my soul speak in voice that is silence to our conscious world but pure voice with pure intention in a gOd-soul space.
Many visions I didn’t share here were very similar and comparable to Enoch’s visions in the book of Enoch which is not in the Old Testament anymore but can be found online.
I want to share the visions of our role here and the future of the earth:

The future of our planet:
I was shown that we are all one entity, completely connected so everyone and everything influences everything else. Us and all beings are endless, infinite connections between all beings and things.
I was shown the Earth as a spherical living organic being both huge and minute all at once…moving along its life-cycle forward slow spinning in infinity over and over with waves of light/energy particles rising and breaking, splashing in cyclic wavelike spray pattern representing all of us and every living thing on earth and our cyclic lives…as Paulo Coelho mentions on his blog in his story about the wave crashing that realised it is not just a wave, it is the ocean. Here is the link:
I was shown that we find ourselves in a time zone where the earth is at a stage where there are vast negative forces (or negativity) amassing on our planet. The earth stays in tact because of the balance of positive (light) and negative (shadow) forces. Light is overwhelmingly more powerful than shadow but the negative (spiritual) forces are amassing to a point where there is critical mass. If we don’t act to keep the light in balance I was shown that the earth will self-destruct or disintegrate.
I was shown that the big predicted good vs. evil (Armageddon) struggle will not necessarily be a war on earth or physical war the way we have been led to believe but will be a spiritual encounter, a fight for the survival of the planet between forces of light and dark.
The negative shadow aspect of humanity is strong and leaves our planet in peril. The earth is reacting as a living being or as a connected entity. The negativity or shadow is illusory, but if it is given voice it indeed becomes influential in the future and current state of our planet.

Our Role on our planet:
I was shown that we (with our free will) influence the outcome and future of our planet completely. There are no fixed outcomes. It is up to us to steer our own planet’s future with our collective consciousness.
Our role here, our main purpose above all, is to live our lives as much as we can in pure joy. This is especially requested of us who do our best to live in positive vibration and light. We who are awakening, we need to live our lives in pure joy. Our doing this will raise the positive vibration of the earth, and the more of us do this, the more we will balance the negative forces at hand and also dispel the negative/shadow forces.
It is also our role and purpose to show others to do this and also how to do this, to find their inner joy and to do whatever we all do with joy and love.
Its as simple as that, if we do this our planet will survive.
It is of vital importance and critical that as many of us as possible follow this path of joy in our lives. Our hearts need to be open to the joy and gratitude of all we have and do.
We need to help ourselves to help others, our planet. As Ralph Waldo Emerson said: It is one of the most beautiful compensations of this life that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself…Serve and thou shall be served.
A few quotes from the movie The Bucket List:
Have you found joy in your life? Has your life brought joy to others?
There’s no way I can repay you for all you’ve done for me, so rather than try, I’m just going to ask you to do something else for me — find the joy in your life.
Find the joy in your life!

The Cosmic dance:
I was shown the all beings enraptured in a great cosmic dance, all except much of humanity which has lost touch with the universe, with spirit and forgotten the dance of joy. All things subsist in a great big joyous cosmic dance, all things are in this celebratory dance, celebrating life and light in reverence of the universal source/mind/consciousness.
Everything I saw was/is involved in this side-to-side rhythmic dance. I saw a great sacred dancing feminine figure leading this cosmic dance procession, all the great teachers and avatars walking in the procession. With joy, celebration and utter surrender and humility all things dance this dance. It is our purpose to get into this dance, to flow as much as we can in this rhythm of the cosmos. If many of us do this we will help the planet continue on its rolling cycle through space. We are here and alive at a very important time.
Anyone not attempting to live positively and in high energy vibration, in a state of positive thought, talk, action and living with their joy inside them is contributing to the rise of negative forces. By living in lower energy vibration and in a negative state of being they are giving voice and life to illusory shadow. Dr Wayne Dyer mentions 87% of humans living in lower energy vibrations.

Eternal Souls:
We need to recognise our souls once again, that we are merely inhabiting temporary bodies, like wearing a garment. I was shown our eternity; we are eternal beings, immortal souls. We are all part of an interconnected cosmic light web/matrix/network light. We are inseparable from this. We are all part of it. We rise and fall as different characters as we take on lifetimes and come and go here on earth learning as we go.
Joseph Campbell: Eternity is not the hereafter…this is it.
If you don’t get it here, you won’t get it anywhere.
We need to be alchemists of light. We all have lead and gold in us, light and dark. We need to keep the light bright and shining and turn dark into light by keeping our joy alive and our energy vibration high. Turn the shadow lead into the golden light. We  need to be the gold and transform all we come into contact with into ‘gold’ which in a way is symbolic for light.
To quote Deepak Chopra in The Way of the Wizard: Alchemy is about turning things into gold, that perfect, incorruptible substance. In human terms gold is a symbol for pure spirit…there is a timeless aspect of life that everyone dreams of – pure love, pure joy, pure fulfilment in spirit.
Be a source of joy. And let the critics and haters complain about the world.(Paulo Coelho ~ Aleph)

My concluding question:
If we knew that we are our own ancestors would we carry on the way we do and would we not make an extreme effort to follow the above vision requests?
To elaborate: if we all knew and believed that whatever we are doing now influences our own future lifetimes would we not try our best to do all we can to treat this planet and all things on it with utmost respect so that when we return again we can reap the benefits of a healthy planet? Would we not take more care and realise that everything we harm or damage or kill by thought or deed is only harming our own selves.

So let us go forth and find our joy, our true happiness within and show others theirs.
Rowan van Tonder
(Eagle Spirit Guardian)

This article was originally posted on

Wednesday 25 July 2012

Everything in our reality is a mirror from inside us

"The world around you is a reflection of you inside the universe inside yourself" ~Rowan

Friday 20 July 2012

Why Social Media is bringing us towards ONENESS:

As we come into this age where there is a lot of talk of ‘Oneness’ I would like to give my thoughts on how I think Social Media assisting in moving with the flow to our Oneness as a healthier and more unified human tribe.

Dr David Hawkins mentions in his book The Eye of the I that 87% of humanity is operating on a negative energy scale or ‘lower weakening frequencies’ as Dr Wayne Dyer describes it. In other words they are assisting in negatively impacting what happens on earth. I will elaborate why further down.

Those 87% of people are operating on completely negative thought patterns. Their egos are in control and their thoughts are milling on the lower energy levels of anger, hatred, resentment, depression, apathy and especially JUDGEMENT, GUILT, FEAR, etc.

The way we would rid the world of all the low energy stuff is by having less of it milling around. So in effect balancing that energy with positive energy is necessary until a tipping point is reached.

As a number neuro-scientists and contemporary psychologists have shown, the subconscious brain doesn't know whether a thought the mind thinks is real or not. To explain this I will use an example where Dr Denis Waitley describes tests they did with athletes: ‘Incredibly, the same muscles fired in the same sequence when they were running the race in their mind as when they were running it on the track. How could this be? Because the mind can't distinguish whether you're really doing it or whether it's just a practice.’ (the Secret, pg 82)

The subconscious does not understand our dualistic reality (i.e. good or bad, etc) So inputs such as TV, movies, press media, news or stories featuring any negative topic is being consumed by the minds of millions and processed and reprocessed amongst humanity.

If we take the collective thoughts of humanity (thoughts having a proven frequency and vibration) as one network according to the evident laws of quantum physics, (common  knowledge among front runners and cutting edge neuro-scientists and quantum physicists) this means that every thought affects everyone one of us in some way even of its in a very minor way.

But  it's collective so a lot of people processing the same negative thoughts due to violent TV, games, books, newspapers or any other digital or printed media are contributing to weighing the world down so to speak. Keeping the cycles of crime, poverty, illness etc alive and well.

Many of the new thought authors of the 20th century have already written extensively about this. Even Epectitus wrote about it so many years ago: The law of attraction. A big buzzword of this era but also a universal law as any of the others, gravity is often quoted as a comparison. So this law states whatever you think about will persist or be attracted to be dominant in your reality. This comes down to thought having a frequency and therefore sending out creation waves which are then brought into our reality all things being present in the quantum reality and us using our thoughts to manifest them physically. Our thoughts are immensely powerful.

So what would counter this? A world full of positive high energy, high vibration, high frequency thoughts. Illness, hatred, fear etc cannot exist in a world of higher frequency thought, the higher the frequency of this energy the more pure it is, the closer it gets to unconditional love and also to highest energy frequency which we might associate with gOd consciousness. 

So for the world to be ‘heavenly’ we need a world where the ego has been removed from the main interface of our interaction as well as fostering dominating positive thoughts and relationships.

In looking at one on one relationships, what is the biggest problem creating influence in terms of our interacting? The ego and it's control of our system...once again those lower weakening frequencies. Remove the egoic lower energy which is basically a protective system (and the protection system situated in the brain located in the amygdala) and you remove the negative energy patterns that dominate society.

Now let's look at Social Media platforms, Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, Twitter, etc to name a few. In the whole these networks are positive platforms, if they weren't so they wouldn't exist. So in what way are they positive? It's about sharing, befriending, connecting, growing, expanding, adapting, networking.

The general nature of these platforms has led to more good and positive things coming about. Yes we cannot deny they also have negative impacts as the ego factor is still at work to a degree. But on the whole you would most probably agree that you have a positive experience on these platforms. By their sharing nature they couldn't exist of no one connected with each other and lived in isolation.

The ego wants you to think you are alone, to disconnect you from everyone and everything. In a way social networks counter this as you are always connecting growing expanding on these systems whether you are extroverted or introverted.

I remember in 2010 starting to share positive quotes on social platforms. This really wasn't happening much at that point but look how that has taken off like a wildfire. And you really don't see many negative demoralising quotes, they are mostly positive supportive and uplifting. This means that if we take what I discussed earlier that thought is collective and also has frequency that every positive word, quote, image, video or audio is upping the frequency of the energy on our planet. And the scale of this is vast!

There are many helpful blogs online currently. Yes many of them are selling products, services and materials but so many of them are uplifting. Do you see blogs with advice, lessons in breaking down, destroying, unravelling? I'm sure they are out there but the vast majority are there to share, build, help, encourage, uplift. This is positive energy. This lifts our earth out of the negative cycles.

Let's look at the online relationships, contacts, networks that abound, I don't mean just romance but also the online friendships that we make and grow and foster every day. I've known people I've met online for years now, they have become a part of my  life and as a number of them have turned into amazing real life friendships. What I want to concentrate on here is the online part of these friendships.

As they are online and not day to day ‘in your face’ presence in our lives (which is the ego's playground) a lot of these friendships bring together common interests and are more peaceful as the ego is at a distance. I'm not saying all are like that. What I am saying is that an online friendship often is easier to manage and maintain than a real friendship as you have the ego out of the way to a degree. You meet someone online and have a great interaction only to meet them in reality and it falls flat as expectations, and ego set in. Yes Social Networks have also resulted in relationships being destroyed; I saw a figure posted the other day. But when compared with even just Facebook’s positive relationships there is no comparison in the growth of relationships and friendships online. I have also found that the more true people are online, the more meeting them in person is similar to their online presence. 

So there are vast amounts of online friendships, interactions and sharing happening worldwide on a daily basis and they are mostly sharing positive information.  If we aim for at least more than 50% we are creating positive energy.

Oneness is a higher energy vibration and frequency than what the world is on now. It's a space where all people share compassion, caring and upliftment for all humanity not just minorities. This is where kindness, acceptance and beauty appreciation and unconditional love start featuring. Not to be confused with using any of the failed political systems of something like communism or any other ism. But rather through the infallible dominance of positive thought vibration of everyone willingly endeavouring to uplift.

It would be safe to say that social media tends towards unifying in a consenting way. We can use the latest social media influenced developments in North Africa and the Middle East as case studies.

I feel that although we do hide behind an online persona where social media has helped me personally is in moving towards my authentic self. I was someone who (and many relate to this when I discuss it) are different in the presence of different social groups, people, etc. And although this our inherent nature I felt the due to Social Networks such as Facebook having one status that everyone sees you are more likely to speak your truth, well for me I found that to be the case, I know some people only show statuses to certain groups.

Another move towards Oneness and this is a big one is the move towards truth . To unravel and dissect thought patterns, beliefs, etc. which are not based on truth.

There is a huge movement on social networks currently exposing a large number of corporate bodies and institutions that have hidden the truth from the populations of the word. Using incredibly clever marketing deception on the one hand and keeping the public blissfully ignorant on the other. These are now being exposed largely through social media. Mainly food, health, financial bodies as well as governments are slowly being made account through the power of social media. This is moving us towards ethical business and other practices and facing and building on our own truth.

Social networks have helped re-forge friendships lost over the years, ex-school friends etc, that never would have been possible without it.
And finally I want to use one example for my concluding thought, that Social Networks can help purport peace. A great example which speaks for itself are the groups that were formed between the Iranians and Israelis, Israel-Loves-Iran on Facebook and Youtube. Iranians responded with Iran-Loves-Isreal. To me this is such a heart-warming example of Social Networks working towards Oneness and a better Earth by crossing borders, egos, and politicians to work towards peace and upliftment.  

And it is our younger generations that will take this even further with their brains being wired so differently to ours and way more prone to networking, connecting and working in unified cohesion.

Roger Waters song the Tide is Turning has some prophetic words I would like to conclude with:
Now the satellite's confused
'Cause on Saturday night
The airwaves were full of compassion and light
And his silicon heart
Warmed to the sight of a billion candles burning
Oh, oh, oh, the tide is turning
Oh, oh, oh, the tide is turning
The tide is turning Billy
I'm not saying that the battle is won
But on Saturday night all those kids in the sun
Wrested technology's sword from the hand of the war lords

I will also look at Pinterest as a next article and why I think it is a really positive platform.


Saturday 30 June 2012

Gratitude Prayer for Mealtime

I am thankful to my Source from where it all originates.
I am grateful for the abundant food before me
I am grateful for all the humans and little beings
   that helped in its creation and manifestation.
I am thankful to the plants, trees and animals that offer it
   generously from their own abundance.

May the life and light inside this food be consumed
   in the flame within me to serve the higher good of all.
And to raise this food to a higher vibration/place
   through the creativity and love
which unfolds through my love and service
   to the universe and all of creation.

                              ~ Rowan

Thursday 7 June 2012

The Beautiful Gayatri Mantra

Deva Premal and Miten sing this beautifully sacred mantra and to me it really raises my vibration significantly every time I listen to it...stunningly beautiful:

Deva Premal and Miten - Gayatri Mantra on YouTube

Here are the Lyrics from the album Essence:


Om bhur bhuvaha svaha

Tat savitur varenyam

Bhargo devasya dhimahi

Dhiyo yonah prachodayat

and the meaning:
Praise to the source of all things.
It is due to you that we attain
true happiness on the planes
of earth, astral, casual.
It is due to your transcendent
nature that you are worthy of
being worshipped and adored.
Ignite us with your all
pervading light.

Lyrics & Chord Charts from Deva's site

Saturday 2 June 2012

The Lord's Prayer directly from Aramaic

The Lord's Prayer directly from Aramaic is really beautiful
(Translation directly from ancient Aramaic to English instead of the most familiar translation from Aramaic to Greek to Latin to English.)
O cosmic Birther, from whom the breath of life comes,
who fills all realms of sound, light and vibration.
Nethkâdasch schmach
May Your light be experienced in my utmost holiest.
Têtê malkuthach.
Your Heavenly Domain approaches.
Nehwê tzevjânach aikâna d'bwaschmâja af b'arha.
Let Your will come true in the universe (all that vibrates) just as on earth (that is material and dense).
Hawvlân lachma d'sûnkanân jaomâna. Give us wisdom (understanding, assistance) for our daily need,
Waschboklân chaubên wachtahên aikâna daf chnân schwoken l'chaijabên. detach the fetters of faults that bind us, (karma) like we let go the guilt of others.
Wela tachlân l'nesjuna 
Let us not be lost in superficial things (materialism, common temptations),
ela patzân min bischa. 
but let us be freed from that what keeps us off from our true purpose.
Metol dilachie malkutha wahaila wateschbuchta l'ahlâm almîn. 
From You comes the all-working will, the lively strength to act, the song that beautifies all and renews itself from age to age.
Sealed in trust, faith and truth. (I confirm with my entire being) Amen.
